HSIN-Intel and Regional Information Sharing Systems Training and Demonstration (registration req.)
MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2019
1300 – 1415
The Homeland Security Information Network–Intelligence (HSIN-Intel) and the Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) Program will provide a 75-minute training session at the National Homeland Security Conference 2019 Annual Training Event. The session is a joint venture focused on information sharing systems and would include an overview and demonstration of both systems. Information Sharing Systems Background: The purpose of HSIN-Intel is to provide intelligence to stakeholders across the Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE) a secure platform for effective, efficient, and timely collaboration and sharing of Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information, data, products, analytic exchange, and situational awareness. HSIN-Intel has become the premier destination for sharing unclassified products across all levels of government, and serves as a one-stop shop for federal partners to share unclassified intelligence with SLTT partners. The portal exemplifies interagency collaboration through continued substantive growth in community, but more importantly qualitative information sharing. In addition to the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I &A), HSIN-Intel has established information sharing partnerships with the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), Joint Counterterrorism Assessment Team (JCAT), US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Intelligence, US Coast Guard (USCG), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and Interpol, among others. The mission of the RISS Program is to assist federal, state, local, and tribal criminal justice partners by providing adaptive solutions and services that facilitate information sharing, support criminal investigations, and promote officer safety. RISS is composed of six regional centers and the RISS Technology Support Center (RTSC). RISS works regionally and on a nationwide basis to respond to the unique crime problems of each region while strengthening the country's information sharing environment. More than 9,000 federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement and public safety agencies are members of RISS. RISS is used and trusted by hundreds of thousands of law enforcement officers and criminal justice professionals in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, Canada, England, and New Zealand.
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